Join us for a day of golf
while supporting
The Women’s Refuge of St. Johns County
After a round of golf,
we will gather
in Royal St. Augustine
Country Club
for A MEAL and
Saturday, September 13, 2025
Check in - 12:00PM
Shotgun - 1:00PM
*Mulligans ($5 each)
Maximum of 8 per team
*String ($20 each)
Maximum of 2 per team
Your support will enable us
to continue assisting the
jail system and the
community at large,
helping women restore their lives and reenter society.
The Women’s Refuge of St. Johns County is a sanctuary where women can start over with a true understanding of
God’s plan for their lives.
Your support will enable us to meet the needs of the ministry, provide the necessities for the residents and meet our goals.
4 Player Entry, Hole Sponsor
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2 Player Entry, Hole Sponsor
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1 Player Entry, Hole Sponsor
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Hole Sponsor, Small Advertisement
Choose from the options above
and click below to be redirected to our payment page.
Please provide sponsorship/registration details
in the comment box on the payment page
Rick Hudgins (904) 806-7517
Debbie Morales (904) 460-3762
Thank you for your support!